Business Description

Business Description

For Clients

When you are involved in a trouble in your social life, vague anxiety comes first. By providing simple and detailed explanations to our clients and consultants, I hope to remove your concerns one by one so that you can find hope for your future life and take the first step toward tomorrow. I do not simply sit down with you and give my legal opinion, but I try to look in the same direction and guide you in a concrete way.
 Recently, I have been receiving many consultations on foreign-related cases, and I have set up a contact point to further expand our legal services in English.

Day-to-day operations and crisis response for companies and organizations 

We provide the above services to companies and organizations (condominium management associations, sports groups, temples, etc.) at low cost on a daily basis, including contract negotiations (from the conclusion of confidentiality agreements to negotiations, general advice for concluding various contracts), various problems after concluding contracts, labor management (disciplinary procedures, problems with overtime pay management, other preventive advice), business succession and business rehabilitation (immediate response with a specialized certified public accountant), problems among business owners (dismissal of directors, problems among shareholders, etc.) We also accept legal advisory contracts to provide the above services to business owners on a daily basis at low cost. 
We can deal with foreign parties through English. We support entrepreneurs in negotiating and concluding various contracts with overseas companies, including NDAs.

Dispute Resolution

We are capable of resolving litigation cases involving various types of transactions. We are also capable of handling a wide range of real-estate lawsuits, labor cases, claims for damages etc. In addition, we also evaluate evidence (e.g.,forged documents, documents used without authorization, etc.) to determine how the court will determine the facts in each case and to get to the truth.

Crisis Management

When a company is on the verge of a crisis, such as an accident involving its products, employee misconduct, or involvement in a crime, we provide a prompt package of services to pursue the responsibility of the parties involved, provide direction for legal solutions, and respond to the media. During normal times, we also provide support for the establishment of a system for confidentiality management and non-competition within the organization, and conduct various training sessions. We also provide advice in areas of active international debate, such as cross-border management of personal information, in response to recent shareholder proposals from NGOs and others concerning business and human rights and environmental considerations.

Dealing with problems that arise in daily life

Family affairs cases (divorce, division of property, wills, guardianship), real estate-related cases (land lease, boundary, land transaction troubles, neighborhood troubles, co-ownership), labor cases (invalid dismissal, claim for overtime pay, power harassment, sexual harassment), claims for damages (residuals from traffic accidents, medical malpractice, other accidents in general), Internet-related cases (defamation, IP address disclosure, Internet settlement troubles, fraud, etc.), debt consolidation (bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation, voluntary liquidation) IP address disclosure, online payment troubles, fraud, etc.), debt consolidation (bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation, voluntary liquidation), foreign relations cases (foreign divorce, other general cases mentioned above, contract-related cases with foreign countries)